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Sometimes we look up and say life isn’t fair well I quite agree that life could be a bit harsh. But the real fact is that everybody has their own share of misfortunes, nobody is totally exempted from pains and travails of life like mistakes it comes to us all but the most important point is how well we turn out after these unfortunate incidents.

        I had an experience in my early childhood, during the festive season usually Christmas and new year, there was this set of clothes I badly wanted to wear for a long time now but my parents couldn’t afford it then but towards Christmas my mum called me and asked me what I would like to wear, imagine my joy being finally to get my hands on those clothes I quickly gave her my choice which I had always had in mind, my mum actually promised then to buy me the clothes. But three days to the d-day behold she had an accident and was admitted at the hospital for close to one month, the festive season being gone she was finally discharged from the hospital. The devastation I felt is better left to be imagined.

         What is the meaning of this you might ask? Well let me make this clear it simply means that all things good and evil are being controlled by an unforeseen force, therefore you can only get what you want when what you want is in your hands.


        This is to say life is full of surprises, you never know when that incident that will change your life will happen to you, like the saying experience has always been the best teacher sometimes things happen to us to make us learn lessons that will help us in future


        The solution to the mystery life poses to all of mankind lies in the inner man. We can only contain this mystery when we learn to make use of the unique abilities within us.

Each human has a different ability the internal will to do good or evil lies within us, this is what makes us unique and different from one another we each have different goals and objectives.


        The human mind is unique in various ways. We are born with certain attitudes we acquire others these now come together to make us who we finally are.


        Every human has a negative and positive part but depending on which part we decide to put to good use turn out to make or mar us. These now make us to respond to situations of life from a different angle.

In trying to know the uniqueness within we should not confuse talent for the unique mind they are really quite different although intertwined with one another they are quite separate the positive ness of the one makes the other to stand out.


        The uniqueness in us is simply the ability to maximize that unique good or evil within our very selves.

For example an engineer decides to use his knowledge to help mankind while another engineer might decide to use that same knowledge to invent weapons that are dangerous to human life they are both engineers but both of them have simply used their unique choice to decide the path they want to follow in life whether good or evil.


        Today I want every human to look inwards and become the best we can be if we learn to maximize our good attributes and minimize our negative side we will all turn out better human beings and better citizens of the global community we all need to take advantage of whom we are to become what we want to be.


        The question of life is a psychological warfare that all humans can win if we just learn to maximize that unique good within us and make the best of every situation we find ourselves. Life is not usually a bed of roses sometimes we get what we want other times we don’t but most of the times we can remain who we are as long as we stay focused and determined to do so.


May peace prevail on earth.

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